
Marketing Emails That Convert Leads To Buyers

August 12, 2022
Categories: Design

Do you delete loads of marketing emails in your own inbox? Of course.

Does that discourage you from sending emails to your followers? Think again.

Automating the right email content to reach your prospects at key inflection points in their buyer’s journey pays significant dividends. Email marketing is the primary engine of acquiring customers.


1. Great Returns – For every $1 you spend on email you generate $38 worth of ROI.

2. Your Buyers Prefer It72 percent of buyers would rather be marketed to by email than postal mail, TV ads, print ads, texts, social, phone prospecting or numerous other marketing channels. 85 percent of buyers like getting promotional emails monthly (coupons, notices about sales) from companies they do business with. 61 percent like to get promotional emails weekly.

3. You Engage Mobile Customers – 88% of smartphone users check their email on it. That’s more than use smartphones for social networking, watching video or using maps.

What can you do to make your email campaigns more effective?

1. Clever Design – Create a roadmap for your campaign and put the most important information in the top of the first email. That way readers can get your call to action (CTA) in their first glance if their time is limited.

Write with easy-to-read fonts that render across email client applications. Build all the email content around a clear, direct CTA that inspires your followers to click.

Make the design of the email consistent with the branding on your website. If you’re using HTML to code a template, limit the width to 600 pixels so it’s readable on all email clients.

54 percent of all emails are opened on mobile devices. Keep the HTML simple and fast loading. Direct clicks to mobile friendly landing pages.

2. Effective Testing – Before you send your campaign to your segments or your entire list, send test emails to friends or colleagues.

Run A/B tests; send 100 emails with a subject line then another 100 emails with a different subject line. A/B test different from names, length of content or send times.

Whichever version gets the best response in your initial small sample, email that version to the rest of your list.

Keep your list clean by mailing at least twice a month. Only email followers who have opted in.

3. Disciplined Analytics – After each email, analyze benchmarks (delivery rate, open rate, click rate, unsubscribe rate, soft bounces, hard bounces). Then take action to improve.

If your delivery rate is below 90 percent, clean your list with a re-engagement campaign. If your open rates are low, write better subject lines.

89 percent of B2B email campaigns are sent from a company name. Use your own or a colleague’s from name instead.

Are your click through rates low? Segment your list & target the content better by segment. Write better CTAs.

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