
Advantages of Responsive Web Design

October 19, 2022
Categories: Web

What are responsive websites? They change the visitor experience based on the viewing platform of the visitor (computer monitor, tablet or smartphone). Text and images change from a full layout to a single column. Nonessential images are hidden so they don’t detract from the more important data on the site’s smaller display. Having your website […]

Marketing Emails That Convert Leads To Buyers

August 12, 2022
Categories: Design

Do you delete loads of marketing emails in your own inbox? Of course. Does that discourage you from sending emails to your followers? Think again. Automating the right email content to reach your prospects at key inflection points in their buyer’s journey pays significant dividends. Email marketing is the primary engine of acquiring customers. Why? […]

6 Social Media Content Starters

June 5, 2022
Categories: News

Are you suffering with creativity block when you’re trying to produce social media posts? Social media marketing isn’t usually a core competence or favorite hobby for busy business owners. Here are 6 post ideas to trigger more engagement with your target audience. 1. Case Studies Selling is telling. The best kind of telling is examples […]