
Advantages of Responsive Web Design

October 19, 2022
Categories: Web

What are responsive websites? They change the visitor experience based on the viewing platform of the visitor (computer monitor, tablet or smartphone).

Text and images change from a full layout to a single column. Nonessential images are hidden so they don’t detract from the more important data on the site’s smaller display.

Having your website optimized for mobile visitors is critical because 63 percent of all web traffic is now viewed on mobile devices.

You can see if a website is responsive from your computer monitor by decreasing the size of your browser window. If the menu, text and images change as your browser window reduces, the website is responsive.

Your followers prefer responsive websites because they present the same user experience on every device. It’s likely your buyers are shopping on your website from a mobile device.  Mobile commerce revenues are projected to reach $669 billion in 2018.

Google reports that 61 percent of all users are unlikely to return to a site on mobile if they had trouble accessing it. Google reports the average time it takes to fully load the average mobile landing page is 22 seconds. But 53% of mobile website visitors will leave if a webpage doesn’t load in 3 seconds.

Google and Bing give higher rankings to fast-loading websites. Because their design is optimized for mobile devices, responsive websites load faster.

To test your website with real browsers running on common operating systems, visit WebPageTest.

Websites visited by fans who spend more time on the site are ranked higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). The easier a website is for visitors to read and navigate, the more time they spend there.

Better website design provides an improved user experience. That leads to more traffic and more branded searches. Remember that good website design has navigation and buttons that visitors can easily use with a mouse or by touch.

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